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HyChem's hydrogen attracts ZERO's interest

Chemistry has historically been viewed with suspicion by environmental NGOs, but that attitude may be changing. At least, this is what signals an invitation from ZERO – Sustainable Earth System Association for HyChem to intervene in a meeting promoted in Lisbon and then welcome the visit of national stakeholders of the hydrogen economy.

This was the case with the participation of a HyChem leader in the Industry Pitch promoted by ZERO as "A critical look at the role of hydrogen in the energy transition".

The event brought together national actors from the hydrogen economy, from industry to civil society, in a perspective of sharing insights, focusing on the prioritization of green hydrogen and its applications. ZERO considered HyChem's presence as "essential at this meeting, particularly due to its pioneering green hydrogen projects."

The interested participants then travelled by bus to Póvoa, where they were received by members of the Administration, who introduced HyChem, its challenges and projects, followed by a field visit.

Among the majority of visitors, there were partners of the Company: AP2H2, Prio, APREN, Madoca Ventures, PFR, ADP Fertilizantes, ANA Aeroportos, APDL, INEGI and LNEG, in addition to the organizing association, ZERO.