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For HyChem, sustainability challenges represent its way of being and acting. The Company is committed to responsible action and sustainable development, seeking effective responses to climate change and issues such as environmental protection, rational management of natural resources, and energy efficiency.

HyChem is a signatory to the Responsible Care® program – in Portugal it is called Atuação Responsável® – a voluntary commitment of the global chemical industry, and assumes responsibility for contributing to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Responsible Performance

In this regard, the Company subscribed, back in 2017, upon its launch by BCSD Portugal, to the Charter of Principles for Sustainability and the commitment to the Journey 2030, which is inherent to it.

HyChem applies a management system that aims to improve its practices in an articulated and integrated way with other relevant aspects for its processes and stakeholders, including quality, environment, safety and health.

Through its Integrated Management System Policy, HyChem demonstrates its serious commitment to ensuring compatibility between the development of its activities and the expectations of its stakeholders.


Know more about Sustainability

Environment and Safety

Quality, environment and safety

The Company applies emission self-control systems, carries out appropriate waste elimination through treatment and separation, obtained the PCIP Environmental License for the set of industrial facilities in 2008, and has an environmental management system according to the norm ISO 14001:2015 | IQnet ISO 14001:2015.

Circular Economy

As a strategic partner in the transition of the industry to carbon neutrality, in response to the challenge of climate change, HyChem intends to invest in energy transition, green hydrogen production and technological innovation.

Safety Data Sheets

Find here the Safety Data Sheets for the substances produced by HyChem: sodium clorate and hydrogen.